SERVICES: 10:00 AM Saturday, October 19, 2002, at Carmichael-Whatley Colonial Chapel, with Dr. Randy White, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiatingBURIAL: Fairview Cemetery under the direction of Carmichael-Whatley Funeral DirectorsBIOGRAPHY: Born October 21, 1912 on the family ranch near Mobeetie. She grew up in Miami and went to business school in Fort Worth. She married D. W. Osborne in April of 1933. The couple farmed in Carson and Gray counties. Mr. Osborne preceded her in death in 1979. Mrs. Osborne did volunteer work in Pampa following her husband?s death, and delivered Meals on Wheels for many years. She was a member of the First Baptist Church in PampaSURVIVORS: 2 Sons: James W. Osborne of Panhandle, and David C. Osborne of Pampa. 2 Daughters: Nell Williams of Canyon, and Rosemary Crossett of Fair Oaks Ranch. 9 Grandchildren, and 4 Great-Grandchildren.